Here are some posts I found useful while reading my fellow financial bloggers and more:
SingleGuyMoney shares some of his rental property issues. Apparently even buying a home warranty from American Home Shield won’t ease all repair headaches, as it doesn’t cover pre-existing problems (even if they were unknown).
PaidTwice shares why she doesn’t care what her house is worth. I agree in that my housing payment is pretty much set for the foreseeable future. If anything, I want prices to go down. Because that means that my friends might be able to afford a house, and then I can perhaps get a good deal on a second property.
Canadian Capitalist shares his notes from the 2007 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Report. It’s actually pretty fun to read, although I do admit I usually get bored after a few pages and have to read it in parts.
The Honest Dollar advises us to avoid the recency bias. Seriously. Can we finally admit that we can’t see 3 years ahead? Just a few years ago the “experts” were saying how the economy is so resilient and earnings are solid and blah blah blah. Now it’s all “recession-proof your portfolio!”. Tune out all this noise!! Nowhere in my asset allocation decision process is there a factor of “does the market look gloomy?”
Jim at Blueprint For Financial Prosperity talks about the Airborne class action lawsuit. High school teacher who “got sick a lot” doesn’t make wonder drug? Shocker!
JD of GetRichSlowly points out another reason to be wary of gift cards. If you have some Sharper Image gift cards – congratulations! They’re useless.
A co-worker sent me this Couch-to-5K Running Plan. Seems like a good guide to get off your tush and finish a 5K if you’ve never done one before. If I was clever I’d find some parallels with personal finance.