Here are some more assorted links from my recent online wanderings…
Lessons We Should Have Learned before the Bear Market Arrived
This is a presentation by Jack Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group, back in April 2001 after the last big stock market drop. There is a lot of stuff in there, so I would treat it as a mini-investing book and bookmark it to digest it all over time.
OpenYale Course on Financial Markets
You can view the lectures and materials for the “Financial Markets” class taught by Professor Robert Shiller (possibly best know for his book Irrational Exuberance) at Yale University.
The course strives to offer understanding of the theory of finance and its relation to the history, strengths and imperfections of such institutions as banking, insurance, securities, futures, and other derivatives markets, and the future of these institutions over the next century.
Fresh Start for a New Year? Let’s Begin in the Kitchen
From the Minimalist blog of the NY Times, this article is about updating and refreshing your pantry items so that you can more easily cook better food at home. He lists things to throw out, and suggests substitutes to replace them with. Reminded me of when my mom used to make chicken stock from scratch and freeze them in old margarine containers. I should start doing that.
52 ways to make extra money
Prime Time Money did a guest post on the MSN SmartSpending Blog that compiled 52 ways to make some extra money. You’ve probably heard of most the part-time jobs before, but perhaps you’ll pick up something new.
Awesomest Compilation of Weird & Crazy Jobs Ever
Something more on the fun end of the money-making spectrum. Some of y’all have had some funky jobs!