Another quote I like from the book Simple Prosperity:
“The modern mind,” writes Wendell Berry, “longs for the Future as the medieval mind longed for Heaven.” Berry argues that we’ve been conned into believing that the present is something we need to escape because it’s just not good enough. We can’t be here now because we don’t yet have enough money, enough gadgets, or a large enough house. We’re not yet powerful enough or “happy” enough to live in the present. The truth is, if we’re satisfied with what we have in the present, we’re less likely to be obedient consumers, so the supply-side of the economy has invested trillions to engineer dissatisfaction into our shell-shocked psyches. Leisure, love, and laughter can be best had in the future, we begin to believe, but we can’t put our fingers on where that disturbing idea came from.
Am I satisfied with the present? No, because I still have to wake up and work every day. 🙂 But I also make it a point to do activities that I love every day as well so I’m not just looking forward all the time. I’m still working on goals, but now a big part of that is figuring out what is “enough”.