Out of the 637 posts that I scribbled this year, here are the ones that represent the good, the bad, and the fun of our 2006 financial adventure:
The Good
First, I started it off right by making financial goals (which give you something to focus on all year) instead of resolutions (which you end up looking backwards at).
Marriage and money are tightly linked, and behind the scenes this blog has spawned many a discussion about frugality and priorities. This has helped us limit our excess spending by focusing our energies towards a common purpose.
Of course, once you’ve saved it you still have to avoid the tax man. We maxed out our Roth IRAs and opened up and funded a Self-Employed 401k account. I’m very happy about that.
Finally, through the internet we have also found Modest Needs and Kiva, which give us new outlets to give to charity.
The Bad
Of course, there is always things I need to work on. We are also still on the look out for a method of tracking our spending that works for us, despite finding a bunch of free budgeting tools to help us.
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