Vistaprint always gives out 250 “free” business cards, but they have a little “made by Vistaprint” watermark stamped on the back, and you have to use one of their templates. Right now, they are offering 250 business cards with a customized logo and no watermark for “free” plus shipping. Here are the rates:

Not a bad deal for those that want to project a professional image for their small business.
Added: You can upload your own logo, but at an additional cost.
I’m extremely biased here as I design logos and business cards as part of my home based business, but those designs pain me. If/when you want a logo, I’ll hook you up.
Heather, how much for a simple logo for my new home based business? Email me:
Vista Print has something called passport to fun. My wife got some business cards from them and inadvertently signed up for the “passport to fun” it wasn’t until a few months later that I noticed the charges on our statement. Moral of story, read everything.
Heather – That’s cool! I have a sorta kinda logo already, but it’s very simple. I’ll definitely let you know if I want something nicer. Looks like you’ve already got a potential customer 😉
Brett – That’s too bad. Many, many (5?) years ago I got some free business cards on a lark from Vistaprint. The cards were okay, and I didn’t have any misprint or any such problems.
Oh, they read:
Planet Earth
(I was bored.)
Thanks for the link =]
250 cards for $5 isn’t bad at all!
Yankers you can add your own logos
Opps i mean can’t, sorry for the ‘spam’
Hi everyone. Vistaprint sounds like a legitimate business, but in fact it is actually NOT. It is a business doing seemingly legitimate transactions but is run by a fraudulent business called MWI BusinessMax. There have been cases where MWI businessmax sold people’s credit card numbers, but their primary scam is that if you sign up for a “10 discount on your next order” it actually signs you up for a monthly subscription to absolutely nothing, for about $13 a month (previously $9.99), which will show up on your credit card statement. If you try to cancel the “businessmax” account, you get the runaround and even if they TELL you your account is cancelled, the recurring charges still persist. THIS IS FAIR WARNING TO ANYONE READING THIS, AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. This happened to me, and I dont want it to happen to anyone else. If you want to read more just google “vistaprint fraud” or “vistaprint scam” or just “MWI businessmax” and you’ll find enough to convince you NOT to use them.
Anyone know where I can get a low cost logo drawn for my personal website?
I think I got tagged with that subscription as well. The passport to fun. I just have to wait till next month to see if the charges stopped. Have your’s stopped yet?
To add your own logo, pick the Premium business cards on the left, not the Free cards on the right.I really don’t know about all the passport to fun stuff, all I can say is what Brett advised: read everything.
I just placed an order but because I uploaded a gif image it was an additional $3.84 on top of the shipping. I saw the option to enroll for free (first month) but passed on it before I read these posts.
Barry is right. I just went through the whole process to test. You can “create” your own custom logo, which involves using one of their preset logos and altering the color and font and effects, but you can’t upload your own logo without paying an extra fee. Sheesh.
I’m almost sorry I posted about this offer, there is certainly a lot of hoops to jump through.
Jeff, is what you say correct about it’s parent company giving away credit cards? This makes me think twice about this offer… and yeah I couldn’t figure out how to upload my own logo, guess you could for another $4, … I guess it’s back to Kinkos…
?10 discount on your next order?
this scam is offered in many many shopping (popular) sites.. today I booked a ticket in Expedia, and there it was “?10 discount on your next vacation?.. with a real looking [Continue] button which took me to this scam site.
nothing different from those free $10-15 checks we get with the credit card statement, which when deposited will signup for these services
I’ve used VistaPrint for their free business cards multiple times over the years. I’ve never signed up for anything else, never tried to upload a logo, etc. And I’ve never had an extra charge show up on my credit card.
If you stick with the basics & are OK with a basic business card, it’s a good deal. I was just stopping by to thank you for posting this, as it led to me ordering a new set of cards, this time without the VistaPrint ad on the back! Thanks!
As an update to the passport to fun saga: after multiple calls and a complaint to the BBB, they refunded all of the charges over the past year and a half. So that was a nice $200 bucks we weren’t expecting.
thanks for great saving tips!
They updated/increased their “shipping prices”:
Slow: 21 Days – $9.19
Standard: 14 Days – $13.19
Priority: 7 Days – $17.44
Rush+: 3 Business Days – $29.48
The actual shipping cost are around $1.50. So, their ‘free’ business cards are really not free. It’s just smart marketing (or a scam -depending how you look at it).
I am wondering if any consumers have ever complained to the authorities as this is somewhat misleading.
This company does a reasonable job printing but they give your credit card number to a company called BUSINESSMAX. Google them followed by the word SCAM and you will find hundreds of reports of people charged $14.95 per month for nothing in return. It is a shame that a decent company is so fraudulent and dishonest. AVOID USING THEM DUE TO THEIR DISHONESTY!
After taking all of the time to design online, the logo downloader would not work. It simply instructs to double-click a certain area to load my custom logo, but nothing happens when I try this. I could not proceed with my order until I loaded a logo, which I could not do. Though I succeeded in loading an image another way, I was not allowed to continue with my order.
Next time, webmaster, test your online forms before you publish.