I’ve been getting a steady stream of e-mails for months now about a company called AGLOCO. Apparently, they are starting an application that shows ads on the bottom of your computer screen (screenshot). They make money off the ads, so they pay you to run it. So why do people keep e-mailing me? Because you also make money if you refer other people, and if those people refer more people, and so on…
If you remember a company called AllAdvantage from years ago, this is very similar. I remember making about $100 a month from AA. Of course, they went bankrupt! The only way I see this company making money is if the payouts are much lower, perhaps in the $20 per month range for running it a few hours a day. Now, I have no idea what the actual payout will be, I’m just saying keep your expectations reasonable. It’s kind of like MyPoints is with e-mail, and fits nicely in the Bored Money category.
To be clear, I am neither a proponent or opponent of this application. I’ve done my due diligence and it appears to be legit with no spyware or other nasties, however, nobody will know for sure until the application is actually released. I went ahead and signed up and will see what happens.
Think I’ll pass. Though AA was legit (I got paid) many of its “competitors” were not (I never got paid). Plus if memory serves, AA did not have any spyware in it. I’m not even sure if spyware had been invented before AA went bankrupt. I doubt this app lacks some sort of nastyware.
Interesting… apparently Agloco is the ghost of AllAdvantage, with several AA folks working here.
Yeah, it looks like a resurrection just with lower payouts, complete with ex-AA founders, venture money, and Stanford MBAs blah blah blah 🙂 It’s gotten a lot of publicity, so I’m sure if there is spyware everyone will be all over it (including me).
I’d much rather spend my time on leveraging my long-term business and not at something that I don’t really own. I didn’t like their TOS too much.
I remember running AA and getting mouse moving software and all that junk… those were the days. 🙂
I made about $500 from AllAdvantage, so I’m willing to give this a shot.
I don’t get it. If it just shows ads at the bottom of your screen, then who is clicking on them? Just you? I can’t imagine them getting a lot of legitimate clicks that way, and it would be too vulnerable to abuse.
I will give it a try
I tried to sign up my wife’s e-mail address, but it was already taken, and she did not sign up.
I am boycotting AGLOCO because of this. No offense to anyone, but I hope it flops.
The whole referral-thing doesn’t sit well with me – it seems to require greed to work. Depending on whom you speak with that may or may not be a bad thing. Is this a pyramid scheme?
so basically they install Spyware on your machine and pay you pennies for it while they rake in all the dough? no thanks
I don’t think it will be spyware. With AllAdvantage, they made privacy a big deal and I don’t recall abuse being a problem (their idea probably inspired spyware though). Might want to check out their promotional video circa 2000: link
The big problem, however, is the payout policy. Notice how there are no “$” signs on the potential earnings calculator or anywhere else on the site? “These hours can be convertible into shares of AGLOCO? stock” and “As AGLOCO? grows and the company generates positive cash flow, we will be distributing the excess cash to Members and shareholders of the company.”
wow, alladvantage, those were the days, thanks for the memory!
Any updates from people who joined?