My MS Money files went caput with my dead harddrive, but I managed to at least get July’s expenses done. Here are our results in our target areas:
We went under on Dining and way over on Groceries since we BBQ’ed all July 4th weekend when my sister came to visit, and the total includes the purchase of a grill. Our Utilities went under budget as our electric bill was really low this month due to our lack of air conditioning. Overall, we barely scraped under our budget total of $800 for these target areas.
That’s not barely scraping under…that’s what I call good planning. I love it when a plan comes together!
Good post. I’m assuming that your gas has been a little over budget lately? 🙂
Actually, I’m happy with our results too.
What, who doesn’t like $3 gas? =)
Remember who designed the budget. It’s not something to suffer over, but to use again and again and again; as a tool, ever sharpening your predictive skills. Sadly, but true, failure is the path. Celebrate!
Great work! I love to see that other people are doing it and making it work. I am young and just getting started with both budgeting, savings, debt reduction, and blogging about it!! Love to see other people as inspiration. Good luck!
Can you attribute your actual gas expense to the increase in gas prices or is it from driving more that usual?
Probably driving more than usual. I usually don’t pay that much attention to gas prices, since we only spend about $100 a month on it.