I’m back! Heavily jetlagged and with a mountain of snail mail and e-mail to sort through, of course the first thing I must do is upload my digital pictures. Here are a few I thought were worthy of sharing:

I wanted to try starfish, but went for the potstickers instead.
Countdown to Beijing 2008 in Tiananmen Square. That’s not fog… it’s SMOG!
Beware ladies – “squat” toilets are everywhere! Make sure your calf muscles are in shape before going. Also, you’d better bring your own toilet paper!!!
The credit card companies are already planting seeds. Click on image and check out the bottom-right corner.
oh wow. I keep hearing about how bad smog is, but I never really saw any direct pictures showing it off. I kept trying to move my mouse because I thought I accidentally highlighted the picture, heh.
very spiffy pictures. can’t say I miss those squat toilets though.
Cheap in price or quality? 🙂
You can find both low-quality and high-quality clothes. For example, you can find fake Polo other things everywhere, much lower quality (and price) than the original.
However, for the same quality but no-name clothes, you can find some great deals. $3 shorts, $10 pants, etc. Brand name things like Reebok shoes from retail stores cost about the same.
That squat toilet looks clean. I went a few years ago and went to a local restaurant in Beijing and the bathroom looked like it had not be cleaned for a few days with flies over it. I almost puked! This was the first time I had seen one of those.
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
I know the feeling about jetlag. It hit me pretty hard after our trip to Greece and Italy. Never had it that bad before.
Welcome back to life in the grind!
Jetlag is the worst thing about traveling. I just got over my jetlag yesterday which is 6 days after I got back. The weird thing was that I was fine going to Vietnam but coming back to the US was another story.
What an absolutely disgusting country!! Dude I hope you didn’t catch anything over there. Ever hear of a catalytic converter? Man, I thought LA was bad. That place is absolutely disgusting!! I am sorry you spent any money over there, by doing so you are only help support a Communist nation!
I hope John doesn’t shop at Walmart, or anywhere else where most of the stuff being sold is made in china.
What’s wrong with a Communist nation? From what you said, it appears that you are just a disgusting person! You should check your household and see if there is anything made in China. Unless you can say there is absolutely nothing from China, you should keep your mouth shut.
What is wrong with a Communist Nation… hmmm let me see, besides oppression of basic human rights, censorship and government corruption, not much. I know that there are a few things in my house that say made in China on them, however I do make just about every attempt to avoid buying things made there. I would never travel there until they do away with Communism, and even then judging by the pollution (which will only get worse from what I read) I doubt I would want to. Why am I a disgusting person? Just because I despise pollution and communism?
Scorpions taste like…?
The smog is a huge problem in Beijing..
Don’t just make “attempt to avoid buying things made there.” Why can’t you just throw them away so you don’t “help support a Communist nation” at all?
BTW, US is the biggest polluter in the world!
I like to read your Blog and found it’s very informative (I bookmarked it). However, I’m bothered by the pictures you posted as I don’t think these pictures tell people the real China. China is not just a country with cheap clothes, smog, “squat” toilets, and critters on a stick! Every country has its not-so-bright side, including your own country. Hope you can be more objective when showing people China.
Jeebus, these are just vacation pictures!! Not everything has to have so much hidden political meaning.
I’m just trying to share some fun pics here, not write an article for the Economist. I had a great time in China myself, and look forward to going back again in the future.
thanks to the chinese and indian for taking our old televisions, computers, monitors and other devices, which pollute the environment and poison the workers.
hey john, don’t throw away your tv or monitor.
John, take your anger against Communists else where, please? This is not a political forum.
Besieds, even for a political discussion, you really don’t have anything new. Next time, be more creative, will you?
This is the exact prolem that China faces.Westerns will take pictures of things that they have never seen before. Why taking picures of skyscrapers and neon light when you have tons of that in the west???
btw, one will have a great deal of hard time taking pictures like those bcause of SMOG anyhow!
I’ve been reading your blog for sometime now, I think this is another heated discussion,(like the one when you make a comparison to being overweight).
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your pictures. Generally, people see what they want to see. Everyone do this. Our perceptions and ideas are shaped by our upbringing, education, and experiences.
So, people no need to get upset. Life is good. Be positive.
Any country will has its own problems.
Just fact it and try to know more about the background .
DO NOT buy cheap clothes in CHINA cuz they cause cancer!!