Citibank is running a $100 bonus promotion good for existing checking account customers. You have to first enroll in the offer by 7/31/14, and then you can earn $10 per month for doing each of the following activities from 6/1/14-12/31/14:
- Online bill payment
- Mobile check deposit
- Outgoing Popmoney person-to-person money transfer
So you could technically get $30 a month, but the total possible bonus over the entire 7 month period is only $100. I don’t think this promotion is juicy enough to warrant opening a new Citi checking account, but it’s a pretty easy $100 if you already have one. Bonuses arrive within 60 days after a month with qualifying activity, and will only get reported on a 1099-MISC if you earn over $600 in miscellaneous taxable income from Citibank in a year.
I understand wanting to know whether a bonus is taxable or not for the purposes of comparing taxable bonuses (e.g. bank account opening) and non-taxable bonuses (e.g. credit card opening) but I don’t really understand wanting to know if a bonus is reportable, unless we as a miles/points/deals/personal finance community are now implicitly encouraging tax fraud. Jonathan, I’ve been reading you for years and don’t think that’s what you’re doing, but then I just don’t know why the info is relevant.
thanks for the info. I already have a Citi account and have been using online bill pay for years. I enrolled anyway since If I understood correctly I can get $10/month for using that service
update to my comment: $10 bonus showed up in my account on 8/20 (for June). i only had the online bill pay active for this month. Started using mobile deposit in July, so we’ll see if I get $20 next month
anyone else have their bonus showing up?
Nice. I have a Citi gold account I set up last year to get a new account bonus that’s just been sitting there. I just spent less than 10 minutes signing up for the promotion and setting up the pop money thing and scheduled all the activity for the next few months to get me the $100. Easy money. Thanks for the tip.
My first $30 credit just came through for the three things I did in June (mobile deposit, bill pay, and popmoney). I’ve done all three already in July and August so I expect those credits to come through in one and two months respectively. And I have a September utility bill payment scheduled, which will get me to my $100. Thanks again for pointing out this promotion.