Along with performing your civic duty today, you can pick up some free food from these locations. Some require an “I Voted” sticker, while others just take your word for it.
Starbucks – Free coffee
On November 4, 2008, Starbucks will give voters a free tall brewed coffee at participating U.S. stores. After voting, voters must go to a Starbucks store, where they’ll be given a tall (12 oz) cup of brewed coffee at no charge (limit one per customer). [source]
Krispy Kreme – Free star-shaped doughnut
Krispy Kreme will celebrate National Election day by offering all retail customers with an “I Voted” sticker a free star shaped doughnut with patriotic sprinkles. [source]
Ben & Jerry’s – Free ice cream
Come to participating scoop shops on November 4th from 5-8pm, and you’ll get a free scoop of ice cream. [source]
Chick-fil-A – Free chicken sandwich
At participating stores, bring in your “I voted” sticker into your local Chick-Fil-A on Tuesday, November 4th and get a free chicken sandwich. Man, do I miss living near a Chick-fil-A and their sweet tea refills…
Books-A-Million Bookstores – Free coffee
Wear your “I voted Sticker” to Books A Million on election day and recieve a cup of Joe on us! [via e-mail].
Some of these offers may make you turn in your “I Voted” sticker, so if you want to go to more than one, try to grab a few extra stickers at the polls. Early and absentee voters… you might want to print out the image above on glossy paper.
Resources: Dealnews, SlickDeals
actually it sounds like you shouldn’t actually have to vote to
get free stuf…
And I thought rewarding voters with any gifts was illegal…
I wasn’t given a sticker. That makes me sad.
^ Apparently, it is – Starbucks is now offering the coffee to anyone, regardless of whether they voted. I got my cup! I imagine the other stores would follow suit.
And if you live in NY or Seattle you can go to Babeland and get a free sex-toy.
“Stop by any brick and mortar store (New York or Seattle) between November 4th and 11th and bring your voter registration card, voting stub or word of honor. If you voted, we’ll give you a Silver Bullet or a Maverick Sleeve (get it?) for free! Yes, free. It’s because we value voting that much. Sex toys for voting, only the satisfaction of having helped ensure your country’s future can be better than that.”
Beat that… well… er… you know what I mean….
Chick-Fil-A Restaurants are NOT doing the aforementioned free chicken sandwich giveaway on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. I called several to double check this offer, and it is NOT true. They said it was illegal to offer free food to voters.
also Arby’s sandwich, wendy’s junior frosty, subway cookie and possibly more. see the thread for details