Here’s a link offering a free 1-year subscription to BusinessWeek magazine. I’m currently enjoying a free year of this publication from a previous offer, and I do skim it weekly and find some of the investigative articles especially interesting. I wouldn’t pay the retail price of $50 a year, however. It is a weekly, so if you don’t read it as it arrives the issues do stack up and will waste a lot of paper.
If you answer the occupation questions honestly, you’ll be offered trade magazines in your field as well. This is partially how they fund these “free” subs. You can decide if you want to go with an alias for the other personal information besides address. Via BH.
I used to love Business Week and recently decided to re-subscribe again based on a nice deal I found, but I have to admit, it’s nothing like I remember, and I really no longer enjoy it anymore. A lot of the articles are boring, especially the cover stories as of late, and they’re overly long. There were a few nuggets to be found here and there, and I did enjoy the section about the upcoming market news for the following week, but overall a rather disappointing read. While I’m currently a subscriber, I do plan to let is expire.
I’m finding Kiplingers more to my tastes these days.
Can I get advance copies:
This deal is over.