AllFreeCalls.net is offering free international calls to select countries. All you have to do is call this Iowa phone number: (712) 858-8094, and then enter the usual 011 + Country Code + Phone Number. How do they make money? Via TechCrunch:
Iowa is apparently the only state taking advantage of an FCC kickback scheme that gives telco?s a portion of the fees generated from every inbound call to an Iowa number. So when you call the AllFreeCalls phone number, a portion of any long distance fees you are paying go to the company. The kickback is apparently authorized via the Universal Service Fund. These kickbacks are enough on average to more than cover the international outbound calling fees.
Woohoo! I’m going to try using this along with Skype.
sounds good. thanks.
A couple of days ago, my colleagues also mentioned a website to make free international calls, and it is futurephone.com. The gateway number is (712) 945-1111, which is also an Iowa number.
http://www.futurephone.com is also a similar service and well documented in NY times and leading publications.
Great find, Jonathan! Free international calls (not via the internet) seemed inevitable at some point!
This is nothing else than Futurephone, a weird Iowa toll number that costs you at least 6 cents or more per minute. The state of Iowa, or better these bogus companies, take advantage of an FCC kickback supported by the US Universal Service Fund (USF), so the company generating the calls makes money out of the USF. I’m more than sure that this isn’t allowed to continue for long — that’s really not what the USF is for! Don’t get diddled by these services!
calling thet no might cost? right?
Here is a detailed explanation of how this 712 Iowa model works. I personally find this troubling. It’s basically a smart a$$ way to take advantage of a loop hole and pocket the money that was not meant for that purpose. Maybe your current phone plan, whether it’s free national roaming cell phone or a digital phone with no long distance charge, someone still need to pay Iowa Telco the 3-10 cents per minute termination charges. In the end, someone will lose money. If you phone carrier is losing money, they will find a way to get back at you.
Does this work with cell phones that have free long distance?
Why analyze so much….just use the freaking free call!! 🙂
will it work fjor pay phones?
I just made 2 international calls with it and it works great…thanks jonathan.
This should work fine with cell phones, VoIP, or anyone else that has free domestic long distance.
Tons of things are supported by all taxpayers and used by only a few. Write your senator! In the meantime, why not save money on some international calls?
Can not use this to call India 🙁 Does anyone know why not? Any other sites for India? Great tip Jonathan…
I can’t find the “Vietnam” flag, do you know when, Jonathan? Thanks.
I tried it today at 11pm EST, but the quality is unbearable. I ould hear the opposite clearly but they said mine was jerky and not understandable. Thanks anyway.
Wish I knew about this before my trip to Israel last week 🙂
Just tried it out and got, “All circuits are busy, please try again later”, though.
Does anyone know how to use this number along with Skype? Once I connected to this Iowa number and couldn’t find the way to input another phone#.
Looks like this loophole is closing fast:
it doesnt work any more
This service is not working currently. I hope it get backs on soon
I m using these iowa no. with skype..I can make free local calls to iowa(in USA calls are free within USA) and I m able to make calls to north carolina,musouri and nebraska?it works fine with skype and also the video clarity is fine?