Crypto exchange Gemini has upped their referral offer for a limited-time to a $75 bonus in crypto after you open a new account and trade $100. Above is a screenshot from my app. This is much higher than the standard offer. You can do something as simple as trade something buy and sell $100 of USDC or GUSD stablecoin, if you want something with minimal volatility although it’s still crypto and not FDIC-insured. You should get confirmation of the bonus after a day or so. That’s my referral link, which should auto-populate with the promo code adryypgfd; Thanks if you use it!
Don’t miss out on $75 in free crypto. Sign up for Gemini and trade at least $100 to earn $75 in the crypto of your choice for a limited time.
Does this work if you already have a gemini account?