Last year, we debated how much money do LED Christmas lights really save?, where I suggested that since the electricity savings were on the order of $1 per year per 100-light strand, it wasn’t really worth throwing away perfectly good incandescent lights if you had them already.
Well, this year Home Depot is having a Christmas light trade-In promotion where you can get between $3 and $5 off a box of LED lights for every string of old lights you give them to recycle (working or not). You can get up to 5 coupons per customer, promo ends 11/14. The cheapest lights that can be found online are about $8.50 for 50-lights, or $5.50 after coupon. The GE-branded lights (~$20 for 100 lights) are slightly more expensive but easier to compare prices, and based on a quick scan the prices are competitive so that after the coupon you should be ahead.

Throw in the fact that the price differential has narrowed, and this may be a good opportunity to recycle your old lights and upgrade to energy-efficient LEDs. Fine print below.
Valid 11/1/2012 through 11/14/2012 and redeemable for a $3 OFF Home Accent Holiday LED Lights, $4 OFF Martha Stewart Living LED and GE LED Lights, or $5 OFF Eco Smart LED and Lightshow Lights. Valid only on single receipt in-store purchase of LED lights. Receive the discount for each string recycled (limit 5 discounts per customer).
Can this be combined with other coupons?
That’s a pretty short time frame if “recycling” was what they were really trying to achieve. But something is better than nothing…