Yep, Amazon is giving out a free trial of Amazon Prime for up to 3 months to lots of people, which includes free 2-day shipping on most items with no minimum purchase. Click here to see if you qualify. Hopefully you’ll be greeted with this image:

Now, the cool thing about this is that if you do the following steps, you won’t have to remember to cancel after a month! After giving them your credit card information, you’ll see this screen:

Next, click on Your Account (see green circle). Now scroll down and click on Manage Your Amazon Prime Membership (see below).

You should see this:

Now click on the Do Not Upgrade button and you’re all set. You should be greeted with something like:
Your trial membership will not upgrade to a full membership automatically on December 2, 2006
Voil?! Sorry, I got a little screenshot-happy back there. Hopefully it was at least somewhat helpful.
Now for my final trick, I will use my enormous psychic powers of deduction to guess what you want to order from Amazon…
(okay, so it’s just a fancy ad)
You could use a one-time Virtual Account number from Citibank and ensure that they won’t charge you. I might try this out. Thanks.
I already signed up in anticipation of xmas season.
How do you “up to 3 months?”
As an member I had the Amazon Prime service for 3 months! It is just about to end. I am glad you pointed out that you can opt out at any time and not be charged. The service is great! Amazon Prime is basicly gettin FREE 2-day shipping for an annual fee of $79. If you order from 10-15+ a year than I would really recommend it. I told all my friends and even ordered for them using my credit card and that gets me cash back!!!
People either get 0, 1, 2, or 3 months. I have multiple Amazon accounts and got 1, 1, and 0.
I’ve done the 3-month trials in the past – using the “do not upgrade” option worked flawlessly. You can use a virtual card number if you want to be extra careful, but I don’t think it’s necessary.
Cool! Three months here!
Amazon has amazing prices on diapers. During the summer and early fall, they had “Spend $99, get $30 coupon” deals, which rocked my world when a big box of nearly 200 diapers was $30-$34, depending on the brand. Now it’s “Spend $50, get $10 now” which while it’s only 20%, you can use as many times as you want.
A pack of huggies is $30, and a pack of pampers baby wipes is $23.03. I’ve ordered that a few times for a great diaper deal.
My wife teases me though. We have enough diapers stockpiled for the next eight months now; and I keep buying them. I have to buy sizes that are too big for him; I estimate how long each size will last, and underbuy that size by a month or two (easy to fill in later, although not hard to get rid of extras).
My third month ends in two weeks. The free shipping made the cost of many new items cheaper than their used twins on eBay. It will be sad to see it go.
Nice, I got two months. Considering I already had a 3 month trial last year, I was surprised they gave me another one. Thanks for the heads up about it.
cool, this will come in very handy for x-mas shopping. thanks!
One month :/ I guess I better start my Christmas shopping a little early.
I understand now why I never won a dime in any game of chance. I clicked, as instructed, and received Amazon’s standard invitation to hand over $79. No monthlong trial freebie. I have an Amazon credit card & will soon be making my year-end purchases of reference books — which is probably wasteful given that lots of info therein is free via computer. (I have to acknowledge that their regular free ground shipping often results in deliveries within a few days, despite Amazon’s routine warnings of delays of a week or more. That said, I don’t think Amazon is that great a bargain. Sad to note, discounted Huggies have lost their appeal.)
My free trial is up in two weeks as well. I’m going to bite the bullett and pay the fee–it is so convenient!
Thanks. Just got a month free. Time for Christmas shopping.
Thank you so much for this!!! I linked to you from Blunt Money–
And I have been doing almost all of my Christmas shopping done on Amazon.
How great is this?
Thanks again.
I checked 2 weeks ago and I wasn’t eligible for the free trial…I went to Amazon today and now it says I am. I got 3 months free! Thanks!!!
Hey Jonathon,
I was wondering if you, or anyone reading this blog could help me out by sending me an Amazon Prime free trial email. I missed the opportunity to sign up earlier this month, but it seems that Prime rules allows members to invite others:
To add a member: Enter the person’s name, relationship, e-mail address and birthday in the appropriate fields and click “Invite.” An invitation e-mail message automatically will be sent to the e-mail address you entered. Note that invited members will need to know the month and day of your birthday to accept your invitation.
If anyone is willing to help out let me know, then we can exchange the birthday info…
Hope you can help…
Awesome. I actually had it pop-up during check-out and I was just wondering what others thought of it and reached this page. Seeing the “Do Not Upgrade” option available clinched it for me, so I signed up for my three-month trial. 🙂 Thanks for the info! Maybe I should do some early Christmas shopping too since it lasts until early November…
Thanks so much for the detailed explanation of the opt out process. I wanted to sign up for a free month of prime, but didn’t want to forget in a month…and end up gettingget charge d the 79 bucks for the entire year. Your process made it very easy to make sure that this didn’t happen!! Awesome site/suggestions!