Toys R Us and Babies R Us recently improved its in-store Price Match Guarantee policy to include online retailer prices from select merchants (press release). Previously, it only matched price from other physical store. The eligible retailers include Walmart.com, Target.com, BestBuy.com, Sears.com, Kmart.com, buybuyBaby.com, Meijer.com, FredMeyer.com, diapers.com, BabyDepot.com and Amazon.com (excludes Amazon Marketplace items).
Customers can also receive a refund if they find an eligible lower price within a week of the purchase. If you have a smartphone, you can just pull up the website on your phone for price verification. Other exclusions apply, including 1-day sales and Black Friday promotions. Still, simply being able to price-match Amazon is a significant improvement. Here is the press release, plus full details at Toysrus.com/PriceMatch.
Prices are matched after deducting any Toys“R”Us coupons and all other offers from the price. In addition, shipping charges are calculated and factored into the cost of a competitor’s online price before a price match is completed.
I don’t usually shop at these places other than to use up gift cards and store credit, but due to their handy gift registries I do have a lot of those. This enhanced policy would have come in handy many times in the past year! See my baby registry comparison, and our baby registry experience.
Good to know…my son is about 8 weeks and I’ve gone to babies r us pretty often so it’s good to know that they price match online stores too. Sometimes I don’t want to wait for shipping.
I was tooking into buying my son a Step2 ford f-150 Raptor ride on thankfully i searched all over and i get to save a couple of bucks with this price matching!!! I’ll be going into the store this week.