In case anyone was wondering if the Wowio Free iPod Shuffle promotion was legit, FedEx just delivered this to my door:

Please don’t ask for referrals in the comments. It’s a free and useful service, bring it up tonight to your friends when you go out 🙂
Its tought to get referrals from friends for this because of everyone’s bad impression of the free ipod fake giveaways. Even my own sister said “But i dont want to get spam emails” until i had to spend 5 minutes telling her its not one of those ‘ipod’ deals.
Jonathan, are u updating the email referrals?
I am jealous, Jonathan! I definitely have to visit you everyday so I won’t miss such nice promotion again, :D.
I found it easier to get referrals if I went the “this is an awesome service for ebook that I love!” than the “free ipod!” route.
Stephanie…good route!
Problem is my friends are all retards who dont read (including myself).
I agree with Stephanie, there’s no need for a hard sell, just let them know about what it is. If they like it, great, if not, no big deal. It helps that all you need is an e-mail address to check it out.
I am updating the e-mails, but it’s unrealistic to expect to get all 10 from being the list.
I received mine today as well. Thanks again for putting this up, I managed to get 4 referrals from your blog.
Glad to see you got it. I’ve qualified for the free iPod shuffle and they’re supposed to be shipping it soon. How long after you qualified did it take for the shuffle to arrive?
Qualified 4/1, got it 4/6. Fastest iPod bonus evar 😉
you know that anyone who signs up for this is gonna get bombed with spam a few months later right? it pretty much says so in their “privacy” page.
I invited a few friends to join wowio through their website and now they are being bombarded with constant invitations. I feel so bad! Does anyone know how to get the invitations to stop? I’ve tried contacting customer service, but haven’t heard back yet. Just a warning for those of you who may be trying to get referrals…it may be better to do through word-of-mouth!
I am a constant reader of your website. Got my Sony card ($150 and now this. Already waualified yesterday and waiting to receive my iPod!!!
Thanks a lot for all the info.
Getting this for free is better than the terrible experience I had with Apple, I guess.
I used to be a big Apple hater but have started liking them more and more the past 5 years or so. Unfortunately the first thing I bought from them lead to the most horrendous ordering and customer service experience I’ve ever had, and I can’t justify giving them another penny no matter how great a product they release.
So cross your fingers and hope you never have to call Apple.
Just wondering when you may update the e-mail list on the first post?
A couple of points of clarification from WOWIO customer service:
Regarding Jamie’s post about friends being “bombarded” with invitations: invitees are sent the original invitation and one reminder email — that’s it. If people are being bombarded, it may be because multiple folks are inviting them, because that is the only way it could happen.
Regarding girlrobot’s post about spam: WOWIO does not spam its readers. Period.
Thanks to everyone participating in the iPod Shuffle campaign for your support.
congrats! i hope im able to get 10 peeps to do this before this expires my friends all think its a scam and wont sign up
I just wanted you to know that I found out about this through your RSS feed on April 6th. Due to various life stuf, I didn’t get to try it until late June — took me a day or two to get the ten referrals, but when the last one registered, it immediately told me to claim my iPod, which I did, and it arived within a week of my doing so. It’s been a delightful toy, and the website is pretty good, too (one way I have managed to pay off a lot of my debt over the past year was a determination to use only the library or ebooks for pretty much all reading matter).
Thank you for turning me on to this, and I enjoy reading your articles via RSS feed to my email every day.
Oh, and one other thing. I did not invite my friends via their emails. I gave them the URL myself and asked them to go and sign up.
Wowio does not spam folks. When you download a book from them, the first page is a plug for wowio, and that is it.